Monday, May 21, 2012

I've Graduated!

On May 16th 2012, i officially graduated! :) I think i did a great job! hehehe Will upload some photos soon.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't look back.

I wanted to write about yesterday's incident but i think it is better left unsaid. I mean, i was planning to say something about it but i was too angry and pissed that i just went off to bed just to avoid myself from thinking about it. 

I don't want to think about yesterday. I'm moving forward. Not backward. So, there's no need to look back when there's nothing good to look back at right?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Love My Girls.

Here's a photo of me and my 3 best friends :) This photo was taken 2 years ago during the BASiS Annual Dinner. Gosh. I miss them! This was one of the most fun night. Us, dressed up in our traditional costumes. What can i say, i am proud to be a Lun Bawang :)

WOW. Fantastic Baby.

I'm Loving it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Smile That Makes Me Say "I'm Melting".

You think i'm kidding? No i'm not. This man has the most contagious, warmest, beautiful, and honest smile i ever seen. I said "I" ever seen. I don't need you to agree with me though :P As Junsu (2PM) said it on Happy Together, "doesn't matter what you say, what matter is i feel good about it". So while i'm typing this, i'm giggling because i'm overwhelm to admit that GD, yes, G-Dragon of Big Bang has the hottest smile i ever seen that able to make me melt every single time i see his performances or interviews.

He's a wonderful leader. Full of charisma. Very confident, caring, super talented, and his ability to control and take charge of every situation is just amazing and yes, the smile, is just too pure and awful sexy. Naughty flirt kind of smile! Aww i think i can melt just by thinking of his smile. Too dramatic? HAHAHAHA :D

His smile is the best! God. Can't believe i am actually repeating myself. LOL But GD is just one amazing person. 

Most definitely a trend setter ;)

I used to put TOP as my number one favorite. Now it's GD. Sorry, TOP but you're still the sexiest!!!