Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The price of being a Grade A student. (Not me)

If I were given a second chance to go back to the past and fix mistakes, I would. 
Wouldn't it be nice? I would go back to the time I was at my laziest at school and smack my own head and say, "Go read book and study, silly! I know your future. You ain't going anywhere being lazy like this." Yeah. Maybe then, I would realize. 

For all my life, I always wanted to see the world. Being a Grade A student would've been a good help though. Got to travel on scholarship. Bahaha :P I would've pick overseas university instead of the local ones. Took medic instead of admin, engineering perhaps. *sigh* Was too sleepy during Math & Science class anyway.

Not like I don't appreciate what I am having now. But it would've been nicer to be able to live my young life that way. Learning about other culture, people and food within that period. Cause once you got older, at certain limit, all you can think of is commitment. Work. Family. You just can't feel the passion anymore.

So for those young people, don't give up trying. Give your best. Go out and see the world. If you ain't got money, you got scholarship :P  what you'll get back is EXPERIENCE and fun plus, a degree or a master some more. Go explore.

If you got the passion, but you're too lazy to study make sure you have a body of a model. Perhaps you can try to be an international "flight steward/stewardess" instead. That works too. 

As for me. I have not enough cash. Not a Grade A student. Not even eligible to apply as a flight stewardess too. So.......

Don't live with regrets like me :) Go out and PLAY!

**saying all this after seeing my doctor,childhood friend's photos who is currently living in Ireland :3

Have a nice day! xo

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