Friday, July 13, 2012

A Volunteer Form .Yay or Nay?

I am trying to fill the volunteer form for UNICEF Malaysia but I am not a "permanent" working person (in which I may be jobless next month) and I'm in Sarawak. And NOT in Kuching, the city, but in Lawas which is nearer to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah rather than its own state.

How do I fill the "I am free at the following time" since I am not working and well, living in Sarawak. -,- If there are volunteers from Sarawak too it might be difficult to meet up with them so is it possible if I join volunteers team from Sabah instead? :)

I really wanna do this but I am afraid I might disappoint them if I can't make it when they need me to volunteer on the given time and place. Aww. 

Should I wait until I got a job or should I just go for it?

Anyone knows how?

Thank you :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Wanted To Go So Bad!


I really wanna go for Big Bang's Galaxy Concert. I know it's in October, but the tickets are selling on July 28th! I KNOW it's gonna be very hard to get my hands on them. I don't know if I can. So worry lah...

And guess what, I'm so broke right now (this month) that I don't even have a 50 bucks in my account. -,-'

I need fast money. I need money by next week. I'm working but you know when they freeze your money for 3 months and you can't do anything about it? Well that's what happening to me. Not like I don't have money at all. I only get it by August. And August seems so FAR AWAY!!!!


Fast money. Fast money. I should buy 4D or something :D buy 1 ringgit, mana tau kena...and if my dad finds out that's the end of me! HAHAHA

A friend said she got some good business for me. I wonder why she haven't call me yet. 

When I said good business, don't get me wrong. I'm doing a HALAL one. *peace*

So, I'm still waiting for her call.................


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Malaysia's VIP : ARE YOU READY??

BIG BANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia - Ticketing Details ~ Daily K Pop News

You Can Google Translate Me!

Where there is a will, there is a way! Right?


Now you can read my entries by just simply click the Google translate button in the box on your right hand side.

Read it in any language you want. Sorry if my English is not that perfect but I'll keep it simple and understandable. Good enough, ey?

Well thank you Google!! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lets Not Tell The World.

I know it's over but let's not make a big fuss about it.

I'm doing it here because I don't really have OUR friends reading my entries. I mean look at my followers.

You know, you don't have to attack me with such words. You may not directly point a finger at me but people may assume. Who else could it be? I just wished you never said such thing. Don't make me hate you. 

If you wanna hate me, go ahead. But watch your words. I didn't say anything. I haven't really told anyone. If you wanna tell your family, go ahead. You wanna announce it, sure. But be WISE with how you explain things. I don't have anything to hide, just that I wanted it to end in a good way. Not hating each other. Let's not be friends. We should not be friends.

Now I am sure and I've made up my mind.

Let's not condemn one another. We've known each other for so long. This is just isn't right. 

Good night.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Job Hunt.

Selling my degree is not easy.

Been e-mailing companies, registering with the government and all. I am still on hunt until today.

Gotta keep on moving or else, I'll just eat stone and sand for I am super broke.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Story of My Heart Part II

This is Part II.

It's was a wonderful relationship. People around us would go "Hey! get married already!" or "It's about time for both of you to settle down". I felt awesome when people said that. I feel proud of myself. Not everyone can be in a relationship that long. If we just did what they asked us to do, I don't think this would happen. Don't you think?

But then again. Things happen. It's against our will. As much as I want to go on, I just can't because I'm just tired. Honestly. I got bored. I don't know. I just don't feel it anymore. I bet he felt the same way too. If he's not, he won't be asking for 'space'. We are having a long distance relationship, FYI, and it is so illogical for him to ask for MORE space than we are having now. So I decided to quit. It's pretty much easier. Nothing can be settle when we are far apart. All we do, every time we're having argument is avoid each other.

It has been that way for a very long time. I bet we both tried our best to just look over it and pretend like everything's fine when actually, our relationship was just about to break. We tried. We did. Just like everyone else.

Shits happen, they said. True.

Thinking of the dream I had last night. We were in a room, and I looked at him. We stare at each other and he moved away. He left. Yes, he left.

Even in a dream, we decided to end this. I bet there's no way that we will return back together in the future. If we do, it must be fate. If. The probability? Unknown.

I would really want to say 'thank you' to him for being there for me for the past 10 years. He's a great friend. The one who would listen to everything - my complaints, my nagging, my story, my jokes, my wishes, my dreams. THANK YOU.

And I am truly sorry this is how it has to end between us. I'm just glad it didn't end because of a third person anyway. But things are better this way for both of us. Let's live well and be healthy. If we can't be friends, it's okay. I don't think that would be a good idea too. 

Just take care. I loved you, and still I love you today. It takes time to make if fade away. 

The Story of My Heart Part I

It's 9:25am local time.

I was on my bed thinking and I though that I had to get up and say it out.

As I said it on Twitter, "if you kept it all locked inside, your heart will eventually burst". I am not the kind of person who would easily throw my heart out to someone. Not even my closest friends. Not even to my parents. Not even to my sisters. I just can't because I don't know how to start. And because I joke around a lot, laugh a lot, that I tend to cover everything up with my laughter. Nobody should know.

But really. This is too painful.

I don't know how many times have I cried alone in my room just because it's too painful to think about. Yes. Breaking up isn't easy. And I don't feel like breaking up. I feel like I just got divorced. 10 years is a long year.
It's kinda dramatic when things happen so fast right after we celebrated (literally) our 10th anniversary. It's kinda embarrassing when I bragged about everything in my June 20th's entry. All that I said was true. Just that not everything that we planned happen as we wanted them to happen.

As I sat here, I can't stop but thinking about the first year. Everything was good. I was 18. I was a happy girl that have a wonderful boyfriend. I was young. We were. I never felt so in love. Well of course since he was the first one that I gave my heart to.

Time passed by so fast. People said the 6th and 7th year was the most challenging year in a relationship. I don't know if it's reliable or not but yes, we did had a great argument. As much as he hated me to say her name but "Jacklyn" or "Jacqueline" (which ever spelling her name was) I just can't forget the moment. We had a big fight over that. He just wouldn't talk about it until today. He said they were just friends but she told me a different side of  the story. I was shaken because this is something he shouldn't do the first place.

I felt betrayed. Of course I should. But then she told me. Something that I still can remember clearly in my head. "You can't take care of your man, that is why he is after me". I don't know if I ever told him about this but I felt like someone just stabbed me on the back. I hope it wasn't something that he TOLD her.

What if what she said is true? That  I was a bad girlfriend. But if I WAS a bad girlfriend, do you still think that I would forgive him and go this far?

I have a trust issue. It has become a 'major' issue since that day. I'm sorry but I can't take it twice.

We had a great moments. Great memories. We were the best of friends. We laugh a lot.

But things had gone the opposite now. As much as I wanted to talk more about it, I can't help but thinking that this would be the most boring entry I ever wrote. But

I'll come back with Part II.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Am Okay.

Printer got stuck. Electricity is out. Works are piling up. One is half way done but I can't do much since I can't print them out -.- Anddd best part is, I need to show them to the supervisor today. Pfft

So what am I gonna do?

Why July? Why are you being like this to me?

Was about to cry but then I decided not to. So I prayed. 

I think I am okay with this cos there are more people out there who are facing a more difficult time.

Yes. I am okay.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A therapy.

I love books. I love reading. But that was ages ago -,- Now I am considering to read at least a book in a month. Not like I don't have time. Just that I'm too busy doing other stuff.

Reading is a good habit though. 

This is going to be my therapy.

Some of the books that I bought. Gonna finish reading all of them before October :3 *fingerscrossed* LOL

July 1st.

I wished for miracles and happiness to happen in July.

What I encountered on July 1st itself was different. Not that I am regretting my decision but it was the best for both. 

I don't want to explain since there's nothing to explain about. Time took care of everything I guess.

I just wanted to remember the day. After for so long. I'm back to 'just me'.

I wish you well. I wish for the best for you in life. 

I wish that we can be friends but.

Let it be this way. Just live well.

Thank you for everything.