Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Job hunting and depressed.

Job hunting can be depressing. How people around us keep telling it's okay to wait and keep looking at the same time. But unfortunately we just can't wait any longer. Well, economically speaking.
As for me, things get more and more depressing to see my friends switching status from unemployed to employed. Why am still the only one who got the time to blog about it at this time of the day while others are busy working? -____- you see how troubled my heart is?
Can someone out there give me a good advice?


  1. jgn fikir sgt pasal kerja...apa yg lalu kt dpn, grab 4 a while to gain knowledge...most of people nk kerja yg high..but all the things kna starting dari bawah..

    p/s : remember, im after you following your blog..hehehe

  2. itu lah pasal..still looking, searching, doing whatever i can for some experience :) ada knowledge takda experience pun susah. org nak ambik keja pun mostly tengok experience dulu at least a year...therefore,must start from the bottom up lah kan..klu terus duduk kat atas nanti takut turun ke bawah pulak..hehehehe..
    Thanks for your comment anyway! :)

    p/s : i bet i saw you kat Twitter following me :)
