Saturday, April 21, 2012

A proud Manchester United fan.

He is the man. **Posting this so you know i'm a Manchester United fan. LOL I miss the time i hang out with my friends at mamak just to watch matches during my uni days. :3 Would love to do that again some day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

3 words. 8 letters.

Someone gave this to me as a birthday present. It's very simple, and, well, may cost a little but it means a lot :) It doesn't really matter if it comes in small or big packages, as long as you're sincere, it's all good. Right?

9GAG is Epic.

LOL Eminem must be very scared! 

 Taec is so freaking hot. I don't think i would be able to graduate if his seat is next to me in class. I'd be drooling the whole year! LOLOL

JYEAH. THAT'S ME. The forever alone blogger :D

At least i got my friends :)

This song is beautiful. And she's beautiful too :) Just to remind you that whatever happen, you still got your friends :)

To Kill Two Birds With One Stone.

One of the many things i'd really love to do is traveling. You know, to see the world and stuff. It's a shame to not be able to see people of different races, languages and cultures and eating different type of foods from the other part of the world. I think it would be just awesome to sit among them and be one of the 'citizen' for a day. 

Here's are the top 5 countries that i MUST visit before i die :
1/ South Korea
2/ France
3/ Switzerland
4/ Italy

Typical eh? LOL well, doesn't mean that i won't be going to Thailand, Indonesia, Spain or etc. It's just these 5 are a must visit country for me. But i think it would be great to start from Thailand or Indonesia because they're the nearest and my friend said both countries have the most beautiful scenery when it comes to beaches. So, i would love to see it myself in the near future :)

One of my thoughts that i have never told anyone is that i would love to give something to the people of the countries that i'm going to visit. Not like i'm gonna do big things or what but it will leave meaningful memories to me which i can treasure at least. The thing is. I wanted to visit one orphanage home in every country that i'm going to visit. Let say, out of my 5 days trip i'd like to dedicate a day or a half to spend with children at the orphanage. It won't hurt to read them stories and spend some money to give them candies and foods right? :) 

I know. It sounds too good to be true but hey, where there is a will there is a way right? It is at least a thing that i can show how grateful and thankful i am to be able to visit their country. I might sound like a humanitarian worker but it is indeed a good thing to do. It will be more time consuming for all the processes and paper works if we apply to be a volunteer. For a person like me who would only be able to travel once a year, it would be easier for me to do it my way. To kill two birds with one stone, perhaps? 
You might wonder. Why the orphanage? Well. I'm not an orphan. All i want to do is to visit the children because they need a lot of attentions and loves. I might be a stranger to them but i just want to make and see them happy because they deserves it.

I have been thinking about this. I'd love to travel with people who would kindly share the same passion as me one day because it would be really helpful in order to make things work :) It's not like i want to create a volunteer group or anything like that. I just thought that, if the country that we visited has given us their good services and wonderful experiences, It would be lovely to give something back in which it is also will give us more meaningful memories.

This is my personal thought. I am not trying to make anyone to do exactly this. It's just something that i thought i would like to do when the time comes. I'm just sharing it here :)

Happy reading.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

2PM Parody, anyone?

Something that made me laugh so hard till my stomach hurt.

They seems to get better and better everyday :D Their parody never fail to make me laugh so hard. I just wonder why Wooyoung always be the girl? HAHAHA

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear Life,

Dear Life,
Can you be any less dramatic than this this? (T..T) m pretty sure my mind and my heart are tired already trying to cope with you. sheesh really wanna tell you to get a life but that would make me look insane. So LIFE, don't try too hard ya. Go chill la..stop driving me crazy. titik.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm A Pisces. And You?

So, i was born on March 20th which makes me a Pisces right? You know when you read all the stuff they said about how people under these signs in the Zodiac act, their behaviors, attitudes, their futures, how they think, feel and bla bla bla right? I bet everyone went "whoa! that is sooo me!" or "OMG! It is totally true!" Well, Me is no exception. It's like my second Bible.

My life depends on it for a while. You know, Pisces is a very emotional sign. Which is true. A good friend. Which i think it is true too because you see, i love my friends. And vice versa :3 Pisces lives in fantasy. Can't agree more. I would say AMEN to everything. That shows how committed i am to the sign.

The thing is, i got so connected to it, i become lost. It's like i depend too much on it. It sadden me sometimes because i felt like i can't do anything for all the negative attitudes and bad habits i have. Why? "It was meant that way",Said Pisces. "Live like that, or be born under other signs next time." (Sorry for that. Imagination just ran wild for a moment)

You see. That's me. A Pisces. I'm a Pisces. A good one. Fish is us. But i can't swim though. And you?

p/s : This entry is meaningless. Read it for fun. :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Job hunting and depressed.

Job hunting can be depressing. How people around us keep telling it's okay to wait and keep looking at the same time. But unfortunately we just can't wait any longer. Well, economically speaking.
As for me, things get more and more depressing to see my friends switching status from unemployed to employed. Why am still the only one who got the time to blog about it at this time of the day while others are busy working? -____- you see how troubled my heart is?
Can someone out there give me a good advice?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This blog was created in 2010 but this is my first post. Boo! myself! :-D i was on Tumblr for a year actually. Never thought creating a blog is a hard work. All this while i thought a blog is just where you write things, complaints, hobbies, happy things and lots more you know but really, creating it to make it look more creative as it can be takes a lot of patience. LOL No joke. Really.

I'm not an active blogger,you see. I came and i write. Just about anytime i think i have the time to share stories, experiences and almost about anything that had happened and is happening in my life or everything and everyone around me.

So, stay tune xo

p/s : I'm a Malaysian. So my post can be a little bit (or more) of "Rojak" sometimes. :) Just in case, an English expert happens to read this.